Developmental Editing Packages

starting at $0.010/word
This tier includes feedback on a per chapter basis. We'll dive into overall flow, story arc, and pacing of your work as well as diving into character development, consistency and impact
The Critic & The Hype Woman
starting at $0.020/word
This tier provides more specific feedback and reader insight through in line comments and edits directly in your manuscript. As always, my comments are simply suggestions to be used, or not, and they will also include moments of obsessive hype and swoon-worthy fan girling because us authors need love before our books hit the shelves
Includes everything in TIER I
Professional Plot Bunny Wrangler
starting at $0.030/word
This tier specializes in truly creating a connection and working side by side with my authors. We'll create a schedule that allows edited chunks to be followed up with a video chat to allow us to discuss your work in more detail. Conversations will primarily focus on work already delivered, but we can also discuss future chapters, plot points, or heart-wrenching cliffys yet to be written
Includes everything in TIER I & TIER II